We are pleased offer closed captions, open captions, and described sound for select screenings at Hot Docs Festival, as well as throughout the year at Hot Docs Cinema.
Closed Captions (CC): These screenings have textual representation of the audio that can be viewed on a Captiview device.
Open Captions (OC): These screenings display textual representation of the audio that can be viewed on screen during the film.
Audio Description (AD): These screenings have a spoken narration of a film's key visual elements that can be listened to on a device. Guests are encouraged to bring their own headphones.
Full Subtitles: Screenings with English subtitles throughout the entirety of the film.
Relaxed Screenings: These screenings offer a sensory friendly environment for those in the neuro-diverse community or for anyone who may benefit from a more informal viewing atmosphere.
Planning ahead? Take a look at our handy venue guide to visiting Hot Docs Cinema.
Equipment requests are facilitated at the box office, subject to availability. You may be asked to leave a form of ID to ensure the safe return of the equipment.
Festival Venues
All Festival venues are accessible. You can find additional details about each location on our venues page.
Industry Sessions
All Hot Docs conference sessions, Hot Docs Forum, and Works-in-Progress Screenings will be presented with live captioning (CART).
Wheelchair Access
Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema located near the accessible Bathurst Street subway station, accessible bus stops on Bathurst street and a large Green P parking lot on Lippincott Street. Our large, 36” wide doors have an automatic door opener.
The main floor has an accessible washroom with two grab bars and space for a wheelchair surrounding the toilet. The doorway measures 36” wide and includes a lever handle as well as a lowered hook behind the door to hang items.
The main floor of the auditorium has designated wheelchair locations within the auditorium and is equipped with transfer seats available for usage by patrons wishing to move from wheelchairs or other assistance devices.
Hearing Assist Devices
Stream the film's audio directly on your mobile device with the Listen EVERYWHERE app, available on Google Play and Apple App Store. Download the app, and then access via the dedicated wifi server:
Network: Hearing Assist 5G
Password: 506Bloor!
We also offer receivers with headphones transmit the film’s audio content, allowing patrons to adjust the volume to their need. Guests are encouraged to bring their own headphones. Equipment requests are facilitated at the box office, subject to availability. Please note that you may be asked to leave a form of ID to ensure the safe return of the device.
Service Animals
Service animals are welcome in all areas of the cinema that are open to the public.
Personal Support Workers
A personal support worker may accompany you free of charge to all Hot Docs Cinema screenings and events.
For patrons accompanied by an ASL interpreter and in need of light accommodation at a screening, reserved seating and discrete lighting will be made available in a designated area upon 72 hours advance notice. This accommodation is for films not fully subtitled or offered with captioning.
Allergies/Chemical Sensitivities
Your fellow patrons may have allergies and/or chemical sensitivities. Please be considerate by avoiding perfume, cologne and other scented products.
Notice of Temporary Distruption
In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services for customers with disabilities, Hot Docs will notify customers promptly. This clearly posted notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of alternative venues or services, if available.
The notice will be placed at the front of the cinema as well as on our website.
Training for Staff
Hot Docs provides training to all employees and volunteers. This training is provided to staff within one month of their start date.
Training includes:
- An overview of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard;
- Hot Docs’ accessible customer service plan;
- How to interact and communicate with people of all abilities;
- How to interact with customers who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person;
- How to use the all equipment or devices, e.g. Captiview, Hearing assist and audio description devices, available on-site or otherwise;
- What to do if a customer is having difficulty in accessing Hot Docs’ goods and services;
- Staff will also be trained when changes are made to your accessible customer service plan.
Feedback Process
All feedback will be directed to the Director of Operations. Customers can expect to hear back within 48 hours. Complaints will be addressed according to our organization’s regular complaint management procedures.
Feedback should be directed to:
Email: [email protected]

Accessible programming supported by The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation.
Live captioning (CART) is provided by AI Media.