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Call for Submissions: Docs in Progress 2022

Telefilm Canada, in partnership with the Forum RIDM and in collaboration with Hot Docs, is pleased to announce the fourth consecutive Docs-in-Progress - Canadian Showcase.

As part of the Marché du film de Cannes, the documentary section Cannes Doc will organize Docs in progress to present Canadian feature-length documentary projects at an advanced stage of editing to international decision-makers. This call for applications is open to documentary producers looking for an international premiere, a sales agent and, more generally, significant international exposure.

Key Dates: 
  • Deadline for applications: March 9, 2022
  • Preparatory workshop dates: April 2022
  • Docs in Progress dates: May 17-25, 2022
  • Canadian documentary producers (permanent residence or citizenship required);
  • Having a feature-length documentary project (70 minutes or more) in the advanced editing stage;
  • Having an excerpt (no teaser or trailer) of 10 continuous minutes to present;
  • Being able to make a five-minute presentation in English;
  • Being available for the online work sessions in March - April 2022;
  • Being available for the Cannes Film Market and Docs-In-Progress from May 17 to 25, 2022
Submit a complete application file in PDF format including :
  • Updated resumes of the producer AND the filmmaker;
  • Fill out the application form before midnight, March 9, 2022
  • A short project proposal including synopsis, director notes, a summary of the budget and financial structure of the project, and a paragraph on what you would like to find at Marché du film de Cannes (funding, partners, distribution, festivals etc) (maximum 4 pages).
  • A 10-minute continuous clip to present (final extract to be provided by April 25, 2022)

  • Prepare Canadian documentary producers to break into the European and international market;
  • Promote Canadian documentary talent internationally;
  • Learn about the Cannes Film Market;
  • Develop international distribution and marketing strategies;
  • Establish relationships between Canadian producers and international buyers, distributors and programmers at the Cannes Film Market.
  • Offered to the candidates selected for the Docs in Progress at the Cannes Film Market
  • Be one of the four projects representing Canada at the Cannes Docs-In-Progress (Pitch session in front of an audience of buyers, distributors, festival programmers and international sales agents in the Cannes Doc section)
  • A preparatory group session including pitch preparation and tips on how to best navigate the Cannes Film Market /Docs In Progress;
  • A personalized one-on-one session and coaching on the creation of your pre-recorded pitch and the selection of the clip presented.
  • A personalized one hour long, in-depth follow-up consultancy given to each film team by a seasoned industry expert from the EURODOC network.
  • Accreditation to the Cannes Film Market for two team members (producer + director).
An initiative of Telefilm in partnership with the RIDM Forum and in collaboration with Hot Docs

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