Renowned for such original, insightful and beloved novels as Prep, American Wife, and Romantic Comedy, Curtis Sittenfeld is also one of our most gifted and perceptive writers of short fiction. Her acclaimed stories have appeared in The New Yorker, Esquire and The Best American Short Stories, for which she has also been the guest editor.
Sittenfeld’s funny, fiercely intelligent new story collection, Show Don’t Tell, explores marriage, friendship, fame and artistic ambition, and conjures up characters so real that they seem like old friends. In The Patron Saints of Middle Age, a woman visits two friends she hasn’t seen since her divorce. In A for Alone, a married artist embarks on a creative project intended to disprove the so-called Mike Pence Rule, which suggests that women and men can’t spend time alone together without lusting after each other. And in Lost but Not Forgotten, Sittenfeld gives readers of her novel Prep a window into the world of her beloved character Lee Fiora, decades later, when Lee attends an alumni reunion at her boarding school.
In this exclusive Toronto premiere, Sittenfeld joins Chatelaine editor-in-chief Maureen Halushak on the Hot Docs stage to discuss Show Don’t Tell. Be the first to experience one of the most hilarious, thought-provoking books of the year.
Purchase a book as an add-on after selecting your ticket for a pick-up at the screening. Limited quantities of Show Don’t Tell will also be available for purchase at the event.
Sittenfeld will be signing books after the Q&A.
Thank you to our partner Penguin Random House Canada.
Orchestra (Stage View): $15